Monday, October 3, 2011

Ask and It Is Given ~ Learning to Ask the Universe for What You Really Desire

  ‘Ask and it is given’… ‘Seek and ye shall find’… ‘Knock and the door will open for you’. Such affirmations are certainly reassuring and highly inspiring to manifest the reality we desire. From childhood many of us found inspiration watching Ali-Baba Looney Tunes cartoons where the secret password to gaining access forward was Open Sesame.

Open Sesame: the secret to creating the life we desire was cleverly embedded in those two simple words. Absorbed by the cartoon’s animation and colourful narration, the command’s mysterious power penetrated our subconscious minds on some level… little did we know it was the universe’s way of inviting us to empower our own lives.

Being the youngest of four siblings by many years, I never believed I had the power to stand firmly on two strong legs, and call out: OPEN SESAME! Not only did I feel the door wouldn’t open for me because no one listened, I also didn’t believe my voice/command/wishes had any affect on those around me. Everyone else was too involved in their own lives to grant the wishes of their boring little sister (as I imagined they saw me). I couldn’t wait to become an adult, to grow to an age where family listened because I had experienced enough of life to be heard. I imagined life would automatically become a whole lot easier when finally coming-of-age. I imagined I’d gain the value I deserved. What I didn’t imagine was that I had been setting up a pattern of manifesting that worked against positive creation abilities.

The result of such manifesting has worked towards my current inability to stand firmly on the ground, to take physical steps freely forward. On every other level—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, I have soared onwards. I don’t blame anyone for how I chose to think and react as a child… I have since learnt the precious gem that nobody can make anyone feel in any particular way. Even as children, we are 100% responsible for how we choose to react… no-one can ‘make’ us happy or unhappy, we allow those emotions.

And, as the emotional level of most dis-eases is the hardest to heal…, emotion buried in the past is the area I have been working on for many years, together with healing my physical body … Now, I just need to continue concentrating on such advice from Sarah Prout as 'Understand that everything is created in the etheric realm first. All of the vibrations and intentions are swirling around in the non-physical and all you have to do is align with it energetically in order to allow for its swift entrance into your life. Abraham calls this vibrational holding space ‘The Vortex’.

My morning meditation manifestations go to the tune of: I Am Full Health, I Am… I Am Healed, I Am… I Am Abundant on Every Level, I Am… I Am Walking, I Am… I Am Adventure, I Am… I Am Love, I Am… I Am Oneness, I Am… I Am Compassion, I Am… on the in-breath and out-breath… with the manifestations altering in some way everyday..

Ask and It Is Given, Co-create and Believe It’s Here…

Please click on this post to see my interaction and inspiration for this post: WhatAreYouManifesting

Thank you Alska Publishing for making our creations more of a reality…!!!
Love and Deep Gratitude xox :-D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to Manifest your Desires through Empowering Questions?:
This question is a most empowering question to instigate manifesting our desires…
As we know, most communication in life is non-verbal, and this query hones in on the power of our self-talk… The shape-changing influence it has on our lives.

Our internal dialogue is our external world: as we think, so we see… The mind is such a richly fertile field that whatever we focus on and how we plant our thoughts, generates sprouting seeds that will certainly flourish.  The quality of harvest is equally proportional to the quality of the thoughts and intent with which we sow.  

The mind is our garden and we are the gardeners is such a brilliant metaphor to describe the potent effect of our manifesting techniques.  It’s so wonderful to witness our gardens grow, as well as observe our neighbour’s gardens grow all around us.  We too are human flowers in the garden of life, and we all need life-giving elements to create the reality we desire. 

Fortitudes of life such as vision, belief, action, and outcome, are similar to our garden’s need for the sun, air, soil, and water.  Without the gardener first envisioning the plot of roses, believing in their growth, and then taking action in cultivating, the world would not be gifted with the presence of exquisite roses.  And as a result, all of us miss out on life’s full and manifold potential.

Our responsibility as gardeners on life’s journey is to be constantly tending to our garden, surveying the scenery and questioning how we wish to manifest growth.  This includes taking into account our intrinsic oneness with all gardens, what we choose to do has a consequence on all… making us Karmic Gardeners.  When we’re attuned to this energy, what is beautiful and harmonising to us, is life-enhancing for the earth and all upon it.  As a joyous result, the Universe supports our manifestation prowess, sending signals to assist us on our fruitful expedition.

I am a human flower manifesting all types of healing techniques to maintain my great health so I’ll walk freely again… Strong determination to fulfill my vision equals Right Manifestation… Other questions I need to focus on more intently are – ‘What would have to happen for me to achieve physical freedom?’  And, ‘What other creative possibilities are there to achieve this?’  Any ideas, anyone? Xox